III. Domestic Arts and Sciences (Examples) - Brewing
- Vinting
- Breads
- Sweets
- Side Dish
- Main Dish
- Herbalism
- Miscellaneous Crafts
| IV. Performing Arts (Examples) - Dramatic Reading
- Poetry
- Prose
- Instrumental Music
- Vocal Music
- Dance – court, ethnic, etc.
- Miscellaneous Performances
VII. Inspired by SCA Life (Examples) This category is for those items which are not necessarily Period, but are generally accepted within the SCA. - Combative Arts (armor or weapons not used in period, but appropriate for SCA life. e.g. Rapier, plastic armor, etc)
- Arts & Sciences (modern tools or techniques used to recreate period styled objects(e.g. lucets, inkle loom, copper foil for stained glass, nail polish for enamel, etc)
- SCA Customs (traditions that have become commonly accepted in the Kingdom, but are not based on true medieval life e.g. coolers in wooden boxes, camp chair covers, etc)