1. Tri-Baronial Arts and Sciences Competition is open to all SCA paid Members.

  1. No item may be entered which has previously won or placed in any other Outlands Kingdom A&S Competition. Entries from Queen’s Prize Tournament will be accepted.

  1. Any single item will be entered in only one division.

  1. Individuals may enter as many divisions as they wish, with a maximum of three entries per division.

  1. Divisions are:  I. Visual Art, II. Fiber Art, III. Domestic Arts and Sciences, IV. Performing Arts,   V. Letters, VI. Functional Art, VII. Inspired by SCA Life  

  1. A winner will be announced for each Division.  Highest point score will determine the champion of that Division.  Entrants from all three baronies will compete collectively for Division title.

  1. Each barony will select their own baronial A&S Champion.  To be eligible for baronial A&S Champion entrant must reside in that barony.  

  1. Each entrant wishing to compete for baronial A&S Champion is required to enter a minimum of two items, in at least two divisions. Overall scores from each barony will then be tallied and the entrant with the highest top two entries from different divisions will be declared the Champion in that barony. In the event of a tie, the entrant with the highest single score of the two will be declared the winner.

  1. If Champion requirements are NOT met, alternate Champion requirements will be determined by the Baron and Baroness of each

  1. An entry’s score will be the average of three scores given by the judges in that category.

  1. Entrants will receive their judging sheets and commentary at the end of the day of competition.

  1. Each entrant must be on site and should preferably be available to speak with the judges.  

  1. Each entry must be accompanied by a minimum of three copies of documentation, which should include:  A general description, Method of construction, and information relating to its authentic and/or Anachronistic value and use.

  1. Written Entries: Three copies of written entries are required for distribution on the day of the competition. There is no limit on the number of pages, but 10pt or 12pt typeface in a plain font is requested. Research Papers must be submitted to THL Mirabel by the pre-registration date.  

  1. Judged entries MUST be in their final state by the time of the Competition.  

  1. The entrant shall complete all work. If the entry is a group effort, this must be clearly noted in the documentation.

  1. Actual pieces must be entered – no photographs or reproductions will be accepted.

  1. Items manufactured from kits are not eligible for entry; however, templates may be used.

  1. The competition coordinators reserve the right to combine any categories not receiving sufficient entries into a miscellaneous class.

  1. The competition coordinators and designated representatives reserve the right to make exceptions to the above rules on a case-by-case basis.

  1. Entries must be on site and checked in by 9:30 am on the day of the event.

Kingdom Arts & Sciences Competition Divisions

I. Visual Art (Examples)

  1. Calligraphy Only
  2. Illumination Only
  3. Calligraphy & Illumination
  4. Ceramics
  5. Pottery
  6. Decorative Metal Work
  7. Glasswork
  8. Decorative Leatherwork
  9. Heraldic Design
  10. Sculpture
  11. Miscellaneous Crafts

II. Fiber Art (Examples)

  1. Costuming (all periods)
  2. Costume Accessories
  3. Needlework
  4. Lace Making
  5. Spinning Only
  6. Weaving Only
  7. Spinning & Weaving
  8. Miscellaneous Crafts

III. Domestic Arts and Sciences (Examples)

  1. Brewing
  2. Vinting
  3. Breads
  4. Sweets
  5. Side Dish
  6. Main Dish
  7. Herbalism
  8. Miscellaneous Crafts

IV. Performing Arts (Examples)

  1. Dramatic Reading
  2. Poetry
  3. Prose
  4. Instrumental Music
  5. Vocal Music
  6. Dance – court, ethnic, etc.
  7. Miscellaneous Performances

V. Letters (Examples)

  1. Poetry
  2. Prose
  3. Research Papers (including persona)
  4. Original Song Lyrics
  5. Miscellaneous Written Entries

VI. Functional Art (Examples)

  1. Armor
  2. Ironwork
  3. Tool Making
  4. Woodworking
  5. Musical Instruments
  6. Scientific Instruments
  7. Weapon Making
  8. Miscellaneous Crafts

VII. Inspired by SCA Life (Examples)

This category is for those items which are not necessarily Period, but are generally accepted within the SCA.  

  1. Combative Arts (armor or weapons not used in period, but appropriate for SCA life.  e.g. Rapier, plastic armor, etc)
  2. Arts & Sciences (modern tools or techniques used to recreate period styled objects(e.g. lucets, inkle loom, copper foil for stained glass, nail polish for enamel, etc)

  1. SCA Customs (traditions that have become commonly accepted in the Kingdom, but are not based on true medieval life e.g. coolers in wooden boxes, camp chair covers, etc)